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Ucapan penggulungan Premier Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg

DUN Sarawak: Ucapan penggulungan Premier Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg

Ucapan penggulungan Premier Sarawak

Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg

Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak (6 Mei-15 Mei 2024)



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Selamat Sejahtera, Salam Sarawakku Sayang dan Salam Sarawak Maju Makmur.

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

1. Terlebih dahulu, saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Tun Pehin Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar atas pelantikan beliau sebagai Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak yang kelapan. Semoga dengan pelantikan Tun Pehin Sri, Sarawak dan rakyat Sarawak akan terus menikmati kestabilan, kemajuan dan kemakmuran.

2. Ucapan sulung Tun Pehin Sri telah memberi inspirasi kepada kita untuk terus membangunkan Sarawak ke arah kemakmuran ekonomi, keterangkuman sosial dan kelestarian alam sekitar seiring dengan aspirasi PCDS 2030.
Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

3. Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan takziah kepada seluruh keluarga mendiang Senator Datuk Mutang Tagal, Yang di-Pertua Dewan Negara yang ke-20. Saya dan seluruh rakyat Sarawak amat berduka cita dengan pemergian mendiang. Mendiang akan terus dikenang sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa.

4. Jasa dan sumbangan mendiang akan sentiasa dihargai dan akan terukir dalam lipatan sejarah Sarawak. Semoga roh mendiang bersemadi dengan tenang.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

5. Saya ingin mengucapkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat yang telah mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan serta sokongan mereka terhadap usul penghargaan kepada mantan Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak dan Rang Undang-Undang yang telah dibentangkan, iaitu:

(1) Supplementary Supply (2023) Bill, 2024;

(2) Supplementary Supply (2024) Bill, 2024;

(3) Sarawak Ports Authority Bill, 2024;

(4) The Public Health Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2024; dan

(5) Sarawak Forestry Corporation Bill, 2024.

6. Kelulusan rang undang-undang ini sudah pasti akan melicinkan pelaksanaan pentadbiran dan pembangunan Sarawak. Dalam ucapan penggulungan saya pada petang ini, saya akan berkongsi mengenai beberapa pencapaian utama Sarawak serta hala tuju kita ke arah 2030.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

7. Three years ago, I launched the PCDS 2030 with a clear vision – economic prosperity, social inclusivity, and environmental sustainability. I am pleased to inform this august House that we are making significant strides towards these goals.

8. The 12th Malaysia Plan was our starting point in implementing the strategies and initiatives laid out in PCDS 2030. The 12th Malaysia Plan, which is currently in its fourth year, is scheduled to conclude in December 2025.

9. We have achieved a multitude of accomplishments, particularly through the successful execution of projects that have brought significant value and substantial impact. These encompass a wide range of projects, such as the construction of physical and digital infrastructure, utilities, environmental initiatives, housing developments, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and socio-economic programs.

10. My administration will continue to rigorously monitor and track our PCDS 2030 targets to actively problem solve and expedite the implementation of Sarawak’s priority projects.

11. Preparation for the 13th Malaysia Plan is set to commence this year. The primary focus will be on implementing the second phase of the PCDS 2030.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

12. We welcome the World Bank’s recognition of Sarawak as a high-income economy based on our Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of US$18,360.

13. Under the 13th Malaysia Plan, we will continue our concerted efforts to increase the median household income and to alleviate hardcore poverty. We will ensure that all Anak Sarawak receive the necessary training and education to develop a skilled and productive workforce. With higher efficiency and productivity through the use of technology and innovation, we will be able to increase household incomes, resulting in higher standards of living in Sarawak.

14. For instance, I have initiated a pilot project for rice production in Lubok Punggor, using high-yielding, hybrid paddy seedlings, supported by the latest agricultural technology and infrastructure.

15. This Proof-of-Concept project has demonstrated increased productivity with the ability to produce five harvesting seasons within two years, effectively boosting our farmers’ incomes to RM6,400 per hectare per month.

16. We are expanding this initiative to Tanjung Bijat in Sri Aman, Spaoh in Betong and Tanjung Purun in Lundu. I am confident that Sarawak will not only achieve its rice self-sufficiency level, but also become a net rice exporter by 2030.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

17. Securing Sarawak’s rightful entitlements under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 remains a top priority. My administration is actively continuing the discussions with the Federal Government, and we are making significant progress. I am pleased to share some of our recent MA63 achievements.

(1) Health and Education

The Federal Government has approved the immediate construction of the Sarawak Cancer Centre. In order to expedite the implementation of this project, the Federal Government has also agreed for Sarawak Government to use our own funds, with full reimbursement from the Federal Government.

I am pleased to inform this august House that this arrangement is also applicable for us to expedite the development of dilapidated schools and clinics, particularly in the rural areas.

The Sarawak Education Department has also been empowered with the authority to approve the implementation projects that are directly funded by the Sarawak Government. This delegation of power aims to streamline the bureaucratic process for the implementation of education projects in Sarawak.

(2) Bintulu Port Authority

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal and Sarawak Government was signed in March 2024 to facilitate the process of changing the status of Bintulu Port to a State Port. It is expected that the whole hand over process will be completed by the end of this year.


18. I wish to record my appreciation to the Prime Minister and the Federal Government for their cooperation and support. I am confident that the pending matters under MA63 will also gain the Federal Government’s endorsement and finalisation.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

19. Sarawak’s Oil and Gas sector, bolstered by Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS), is projected to surpass RM60 billion in GDP contribution by 2030.

20. I am elated that Sarawak’s Oil and Gas sector has yielded significant achievements in recent years. Last year, we secured RM10 billion from PETRONAS comprising of sales tax, dividends, and royalty.

21. Sarawak has also kickstarted a promising CCUS industry. We will have three landmark Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects signed this year, namely the Kasawari-M1 project, the Lang Lebah-Golok project, and the storage of industrial CO2 emissions M3 project.

22. I would like to assure this august House that the Sarawak Government has developed the necessary legal and regulatory framework for the CCS sector to safeguard the rights and environmental safety of Sarawak. All companies wanting to develop and operate CCS in Sarawak must comply to our legal and regulatory framework, including the requirement of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).

23. According to the CCUS Market Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast 2023-2032, the global CCS market presents a compelling opportunity, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate of 13.3%. Sarawakian companies are uniquely positioned to capitalise on this nascent market as the region’s early movers and I urge them to develop their expertise in this field, establishing themselves as leaders in upcoming regional CCS projects.

24. With our Oil & Gas and CCUS industry activities accelerating, Sarawak Oil & Gas, Services and Equipment (OGSE) players play an important role in the success and attainment of this ambition.

25. Malaysia’s OGSE sector is projected to reach RM40 billion to RM50 billion by 2030. By leveraging Sarawak’s growing oil and gas activity, local OGSE companies can partner and learn from industry leaders, propelling them to regional prominence and, ultimately, global success.

26. We envision a future with Sarawak OGSE companies listed on the stock exchange, with substantial valuations comparable to international OGSE players.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

27. Since March 2024, PETROS has commenced engagements with PETRONAS, Upstream Gas Producers and Downstream Gas Buyers on the Distribution of Gas Ordinance (DGO) Amendment 2023, which states that PETROS is the only party mandated to buy, distribute, and sell gas as the single buyer and single seller in Sarawak.

28. The appointment of PETROS as the Gas Aggregator for Sarawak marks a significant step forward towards managing our gas resources to ensure availability of gas domestically for power generation as well as new and existing industries required to spur growth and development across Sarawak.

29. PETROS and PETRONAS are working together to ensure a seamless transition for the Gas Aggregator role which we expect to be completed by the third quarter of 2024.

30. The Gas Aggregator role will enable PETROS to invest in gas infrastructure to accelerate the development of the four strategic hubs under the Sarawak Gas Roadmap which will attract more than RM100 billion of Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Direct Investment opportunities.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

31. The World Meteorological Organisation declared 2023 the hottest year on record, with temperatures reaching 1.45°C above pre-industrial levels, nearing the 1.5°C threshold of the Paris Agreement. This year might be even warmer.

32. Last month, heatwaves across ASEAN countries, and flooding in Dubai, Guangdong and Houston highlighted that climate change can impact any region globally.

33. Just last week, Brazil also experienced severe floods, further emphasising that regions like Sarawak, where biodiversity and livelihoods are at immediate risk, are not alone in facing these challenges. As the world becomes warmer, we are likely to witness more extreme weather and climate events.

34. Spearheading climate action, Sarawak is establishing a Climate Change Centre. This central hub will coordinate, manage, and support all climate change initiatives and carbon trading in Sarawak. The study on establishing this important centre has now reached its completion stage, paving the way for its upcoming development.

35. We are crafting a Climate Change Policy to establish a carbon footprint baseline. This effort will empower communities, businesses, and policymakers to tackle emissions and promote low-carbon technologies, paving the way for a sustainable future for Sarawak.

36. We are also crafting Low-Carbon Society blueprints to improve waste and flood management, cut urban carbon emissions, and promote green technology and practices to minimise climate change impacts.

37. Last month, I was invited to speak at the “Regions for the Planet” forum during H2Poland 2024 in Poznan, Poland, discussing Sarawak’s innovative strategies for economic and social challenges in climate solutions. I highlighted our focus on hydrogen’s key role in our clean energy strategy and its importance in decarbonisation efforts.

38. During the forum, I emphasised Sarawak’s commitment to climate action, demonstrated by our swift enactment of the following laws:

(1) Environment (Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Emission) Bill 2023; and

(2) Carbon Storage and Forest Carbon Activity Rules 2022 which established a regulatory framework supporting forest conservation projects and enhancing our sustainability initiatives through carbon credit systems.

39. My discussions explored green bonds and international financing for implementing climate mitigation technologies. I stressed the importance of global collaboration, effective policies, and technological advancements in achieving a sustainable green economy.

40. I have also been invited to deliver a keynote address at the Future Energy Asia Exhibition and Summit in Bangkok this coming Friday, where I will share our key developments in our green economy initiatives.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

41. The urgency to combat climate change is clear. The International Energy Agency estimates tripling renewable energy could significantly reduce emissions by 2030.

42. Sarawak is leading the charge towards a sustainable future by advancing decarbonisation and green energy initiatives. This aligns with both local and global environmental goals.

43. Our vision for a greener Sarawak prioritises significant investments in green technologies and infrastructure to diversify our energy mix beyond traditional sources.

44. Leveraging our diverse energy mix, rich in hydroelectric and renewables, Sarawak has emerged as a regional green powerhouse in ASEAN. Our commitment to green innovation is evident in expanding green hydrogen, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from microalgae, and exploring innovative technology such as hybrid solar-wind projects.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

45. We will prioritise our energy allocation for domestic use in Sarawak. With our plans to double clean electricity generation to 10GW by 2030, we will continue to offer competitive energy rates to investors in Sarawak, while only excess energy generated will be exported to neighbouring countries namely Brunei, Indonesia, and Singapore.

46. The development of the cross-border transmission infrastructure will ensure electricity grid stability in the ASEAN region, while enabling Sarawak to recoup its energy investment costs.

47. Sarawak’s new energy generation strategy includes constructing cascading power sources along rivers to generate electricity, minimising the need for inundating large land areas.

48. Saya ingin memaklumkan Dewan yang mulia ini bahawa pembangunan tenaga berdasarkan kaedah cascading power sources yang mesra alam ini bukan hanya dapat menjana tenaga boleh baharu, malah dapat memberi pulangan ekonomi tambahan kepada penduduk setempat.

49. Pendekatan ini adalah selaras dengan komitmen kerajaan kita terhadap kelestarian pembangunan tenaga boleh baharu untuk kemakmuran Sarawak.

50. As Sarawak diversifies its clean energy portfolio, Tanjung Kidurong in Bintulu is poised to become one of the earliest locations worldwide to explore electricity generation from wave energy. Harnessing the kinetic energy of the ocean could significantly contribute to our renewable energy portfolio, advancing our commitment to sustainable development and reinforcing our regional environmental leadership.

51. I recently visited the Drax Power Station in the UK, as they have successfully shifted from coal to biomass. The insights gained from Drax Power Station provide Sarawak with a framework to develop sustainable energy solutions.

52. This visit reinforced our plans to enhance and diversify Sarawak’s renewable energy sector by converting our coal power plants to biomass, utilising wood pellets.

53. I wish to inform this august House that the biomass fuel derived from wood pellets are predominantly using byproducts from timber activities. We are committed on sustainable management practices to balance economic utilisation with environmental conservation.

54. By embracing advanced and cost-effective biomass technologies, we could develop a new, more efficient power plant tailored to the availability of our local resources.

55. While this initiative requires a significant initial investment, it promises substantial long-term benefits and fosters a circular economy. The surplus energy generated can be redirected to energize various sectors of our economy and sold at premium rates.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

56. I stand firm for Sarawak to push towards greater economic diversification to ensure the energy security and prosperity of Sarawak. Our conviction in the new economy will drive the development of new growth sectors aligning with global trends and leading the way for Malaysia.

57. This compels Sarawak to accelerate its transition to green energy, including electrification and hydrogen. Several catalytic projects have been initiated. These catalytic projects are crucial for the development of more high-value downstream industries, such as clean fuels and chemicals namely, green ammonia and green methanol, which can add value to our economy.

58. Clean hydrogen is key in the production of clean ammonia and methanol to be used in clean fuels. Methanol is garnering increasing attention as a viable option for marine fuel due to its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address sustainability concerns in the shipping industry.

59. Green methanol can be produced from green hydrogen via the methanol synthesis process, using green carbon from biomass.

60. There are various industrial applications of methanol, including as a feedstock for the production of chemicals, plastics, and as a substitute for transportation fuels.

61. Recognising this, organisations such as the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are actively engaged in developing guidelines for the design and operation of ships utilising green methanol as marine fuel of the future.

62. I am proud to share that Sarawak now owns a methanol plant in Tanjung Kidurong, Bintulu, with a production capacity of 1.75 million tonnes per annum operated by Sarawak Petchem Sdn. Bhd.

63. This methanol plant uses natural gas as feedstock, and I am proud to inform this august House that the commercial operations will commence on 22nd July 2024 which coincides with this year’s Sarawak Day Celebration.

64. As part of their commitment to lowering carbon emissions, Sarawak Petchem has also inked the Memorandum of Understanding with PETRONAS Chemicals Group to undertake a feasibility study to develop the first low-carbon ammonia and urea production plant in this region.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

65. Given Sarawak’s strategic location in Borneo and our role in global supply chains, especially in the energy sector, consolidating our port activities under the Sarawak Port Authority is a strategic and timely initiative.

66. To ensure maximum operational efficiency, we must equip our ports with state-of-the-art infrastructure, including deep-water access and advanced cargo-handling capabilities. Our ports will offer seamless intermodal connections and comply with the highest international standards for environmental, safety, and security practices.

67. The transition to greener and smarter port operations is gaining momentum across ASEAN, with investments increasingly directed towards reducing environmental impacts and enhancing automation. We are committed to promoting clean and green shipping practices that adhere to global standards.

68. We are set to produce green fuel for shipping, establish ourselves as the regional hub for green fuel bunkering, and implement a Common Utilities Corridor. This integrated, streamlined approach will boost operational efficiency and align with Sarawak’s vision for advanced, environmentally conscious port facilities.

69. For this reason, we are currently undertaking an engineering study for the development of a deep-sea port in Tanjung Embang, not only to propel Sarawak as a regional trading hub, but also as the energy hub for the southern region.

70. This transition solidifies Sarawak’s leadership in regional development. It aims to elevate our ports to global status, positioning Sarawak as the regional trading hub and a key player in ASEAN’s pursuit of a cleaner, greener future.

71. Moreover, with the takeover of MASwings, Sarawak is poised to become another aviation regional hub for ASEAN. In this regard, we are planning to develop a new international airport in Kuching to support the growing aviation industry in Sarawak.

72. Supported by a regulatory framework that promotes transparency, our ports and airports are vital drivers of regional development and global economic integration.

73. With our comprehensive enhancements of intermodal transportation and logistics network, Sarawak is poised to become a pivotal regional hub for connectivity within ASEAN. This is in line with the ASEAN Vision 2040, which aims to create a deeply integrated and highly cohesive ASEAN economy.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

74. Achieving PCDS 2030 GDP target of RM282 billion requires aggressive economic diversification and private investments. Our political stability, commitment to green solutions, and reliable green energy, position Sarawak as a standout in the region.

75. Typically, the private sector contributes 70% of gross capital formation in Sarawak, and we will strengthen our relationship with key private sector players, whether local or international.

76. I am proud to share that the EU-Malaysia Business Day, held in February in Kuching, was attended by 17 Ambassadors of EU Member States as well as EU key business personnel. Sarawak is focusing on creating interest to lure potential investors to Sarawak in the areas of renewable energy and digital economy.

77. These engagements with key international industry players are a testament of Sarawak’s attractiveness as a regional trading hub from a global investment perspective.

78. The Sarawak Government will continue efforts to facilitate investments and trade, actively collaborate with financial institutions, local and foreign stakeholders to improve access to finance and ease of doing business.

79. Our Government Linked Companies (GLCs) play a crucial role, not only in Sarawak’s development agenda, but also in bringing in various partners to spur Sarawak’s economic growth. GLCs must make expedient efforts towards financial independence from government funding, and secure funding from investors, financial and capital markets.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

80. I foresee that the space industry will be the new frontier for economic growth and technological advancement for Sarawak. It offers huge economic, institutional, regulatory, talent and technology development opportunities.

81. With Sarawak located just north of the equator, I believe we are ideally positioned as a launching pad for aerospace industries. For that, I have instructed i-CATS University College to establish an aerospace faculty to prepare our talented Anak Sarawak for this industry.

82. We have also initiated a collaboration between Sarawak Microelectronics Design (SMD) Semiconductor Sdn Bhd and a UK based company to produce compound chips design tailored for the aerospace industry.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

83. Sarawak telah mencapai banyak kejayaan pada tahun 2023 atas usaha dan komitmen sektor awam dan sektor swasta.

84. Untuk mencapai aspirasi Sarawak maju dan berpendapatan tinggi menjelang tahun 2030, kita perlu meningkatkan usaha untuk terus mewujudkan sumber ekonomi baharu demi kemajuan dan kemakmuran Sarawak.

85. Kita perlu meningkatkan tahap kemahiran dan pembangunan sumber manusia untuk mencapai aspirasi 2030 Sarawak. Pembangunan modal insan merupakan kunci utama untuk menjamin kemakmuran jangka panjang Sarawak.

86. Oleh yang demikian, kita telah mengambil langkah untuk memberi pengajian percuma kepada anak Sarawak di institusi pengajian tinggi milik Kerajaan Sarawak seperti University of Technology Sarawak, Curtin University, Swinburne University of Technology, i-Cats University College, dan CENTEXS, InsyaAllah, mulai 2026.

87. Inisiatif strategik ini akan memberi peluang kepada anak Sarawak yang layak untuk mengejar pendidikan tinggi dan menyumbangkan bakat unik mereka kepada pembangunan sosioekonomi Sarawak.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

88. Dua minggu yang lepas, Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah mengumumkan kenaikan gaji melebihi 13% untuk Penjawat Awam Persekutuan, mulai Disember tahun ini.

89. Kerajaan GPS menerima baik pengumuman ini dan akan turut melaksanakan pelarasan gaji untuk Penjawat Awam Sarawak. Ini kerana Kerajaan GPS sangat menghargai komitmen dan pengorbanan seluruh Penjawat Awam Sarawak.

90. Buat masa ini, kita sedang menjalankan kajian terperinci mengenai pelarasan ini agar ianya lebih kompetitif selaras dengan tugas dan tanggungjawab Penjawat Awam Sarawak serta kekuatan kewangan Kerajaan Sarawak.

91. InsyaAllah, saya akan mengumumkan hasil kajian ini dalam tempoh terdekat tertakluk kepada perincian pelarasan gaji yang akan dikeluarkan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan yang dijangka diketahui hanya dalam bajet Persekutuan hujung tahun ini.

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

92. Sarawak akan menganjurkan Sukan Malaysia (SUKMA) ke-21 dari 17 hingga 24 Ogos 2024 dan SUKMA Para ke-21 dari 20 hingga 28 September 2024. Sama-samalah kita memberi sokongan penuh kepada para atlet yang akan mewakili Sarawak tahun ini.

93. Kejayaan atlet kita dalam SUKMA dan SUKMA Para akan membolehkan mereka mencipta nama di peringkat kebangsaan dan seterusnya peringkat antarabangsa.

94. Akhir kata, saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker, Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, Yang Berhormat Setiausaha Kerajaan Sarawak, Ketua-Ketua Jabatan, Anggota Perkhidmatan Awam serta semua warga kerja Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak yang telah mengendalikan persidangan DUN dengan teratur dan cemerlang.


Ke pasar Gedong membeli labang,

Iboh lupak makan mi udang,

Selesai sudah kita bersidang,

Demi Sarawak, teruskan berjuang.

Yee sang sudah, rendang pun sudah,

Sekarang pansuh bakal dihidang,

Kekalkan perpaduan Sarawak yang indah,

Untuk dinikmati generasi mendatang.

Terbang Kenyalang di waktu senja,

Hinggap sebentar di Padang Merdeka,

Selamat Hari Gawai kepada semua,

Lantang Senang Nguan Menoa.

Sekian terima kasih.

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