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Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sarawak. Foto fail Bernama

Ucapan penggulungan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa, Industri dan Pelaburan Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan

Ucapan penggulungan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa, Industri dan Pelaburan

Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan

Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak (6 Mei-15 Mei 2024)



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

1. I will now continue my winding up for the Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment Sarawak.

2. The global economy is expected to experience moderate growth in 2024. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) forecasted that the global GDP will grow at 3.1 percent supported by improved global trade, manageable inflation and favourable conditions in the labour market.

3. The Malaysian economy is expected to grow by 4.0 to 5.0 percent in 2024 underpinned by the recovery in the technology upcycle, improve exports in electronic and electrical (E&E) and non-E&E, as well as higher commodity prices.

4. The Sarawak economy is projected to expand at 5.0 to 6.0 percent in 2024 driven by strengthening trade performance and growth in consumer spending. Manufacturing sector is expected to increase moderately supported by improved global market.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

5. Sarawak recorded RM22.8 billion of approved investments in services, manufacturing and primary sectors in 2023. Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) was the main contributor at 65.8 percent or RM15 billion while Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) contributed 34.2 percent or RM7.8 billion of the total approved investments. These approved investments involved 339 projects, which potentially create 4,500 jobs.

6. The manufacturing sector contributed the highest share of investments at 40.3 percent or RM9.2 billion of the total approved investments, followed by services sector at 38.6 percent or RM8.8 billion and primary sector at 21.1 percent or RM4.8 billion.

7. In 2023, the manufacturing sector contributed 27.7 percent to the total GDP of Sarawak, creating 4,200 employment opportunities. The approved investments were mainly in E&E (semiconductors wafers, testing & probing) – RM3.4 billion, basic metal (copper foil & building materials) – RM2.6 billion and chemical products (ECH & Fertilizer) – RM1.3 billion.

8. It is worth noting that nearly 50 percent of the approved projects in 2023 have been materialised in various stages of development. Among these projects were E&E, basic metal, chemical and food products.

9. For the first quarter of 2024, manufacturing sector recorded RM2.4 billion worth of investment for 30 projects. These investments are expected to create more than 2,000 employment opportunities and were mainly in chemical products (urea & melamine) – RM1.7 billion, basic metal products (metallic silicon & molten aluminium) – RM436 million and non-metallic mineral products (cement & concrete) – RM143 million.

10. Sarawak continues to attract new investment interests and expansion from both FDI and DDI. Among them are:

(a) Solar glass project and mining of silica sand worth RM6.5 billion;

(b) Data centre worth RM18.6 billion; and

(c) Expansion to manufacture components for battery worth RM1 billion.

11. As one of the strategic promoted sectors under the Post COVID-19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS 2030), manufacturing will shift to more advanced and technology-driven production, move up the value chain and diversify towards sustainable green growth. My Ministry will continue to improve the ease of doing business to attract quality investments, enhancing the position of Sarawak as a preferred investment destination.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

12. Sarawak holds huge potential in resource-based sector. We will further unlock the opportunities and potential of this sector for the participation of foreign and domestic investors. The Sarawak Gas Roadmap (SGR) comprising four strategic hubs in Miri, Samalaju, Bintulu and Kuching, is expected to attract more than RM100 billion worth of FDI and DDI over ten years.

13. The investment in oil and gas sector will further accelerate the economic growth, create jobs and stimulate infrastructure development. To promote greater growth in domestic gas statewide, PETROS is investing RM4 billion in Bintulu, Samalaju and Miri hubs in the next three years. These includes:

(a) RM100 million to deliver gas to Bintulu town by expanding the trunkline and gas network. The project is expected to benefit more than 28,000 households, as well as commercial and industrial customers;

(b) RM1 billion to develop the Samalaju Pipeline (SPL) project. The proposed 65 km pipeline will transport natural gas from Bintulu to the Samalaju Industrial Park (SIP). The project Engineering Procurement Construction Installation and Commissioning Contract was awarded in December 2023 and is currently under the Detailed Design phase. The SPL project is on track for the first gas in SIP by the end of 2025; and

(c) RM2.5 billion to develop the 500 MW Miri Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant. The CCGT Power Plant is expected to be commissioned by Q4 2027 and will connect to Sarawak Energy’s Tudan substation to supplement the energy demand for northern Sarawak. The Power Plant is expected to create more than 100 direct job opportunities during the operational phase.

14. PETROS continues to be actively involved in upstream activities especially in rejuvenating onshore exploration and commercialisation. To date, PETROS is already participating in 18 Sarawak blocks. This will sustain the long-term supply of natural gas to realise the SGR.

15. The Rosmari and Marjoram Integrated Oil and Gas project is the first deepwater gas field in Sarawak developed by Sarawak SHELL Berhad. The project is expected to contribute up to 20 percent of gas supply in Sarawak, which is crucial to support the SGR. This project comprises a remotely operated offshore platform and onshore gas plant (OGP1), with infrastructure that includes one of the longest sour wet gas offshore pipelines in the world stretching more than 200 km. It is designed to produce 800 million standard cubic feet of gas per day and is expected to start operations in 2026.

16. Investment in oil and gas projects continue to progress well with another onshore project, namely Bintulu Additional Gas Sales Facility (BAGSF-2) which has commenced delivery of feed gas to Sarawak’s first methanol plant in September 2023. The methanol plant is expected to start commercial operation in July 2024, receiving up to 160 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

17. With the recent amendment of Distribution of Gas Ordinance 2016 (Cap.72), PETROS is appointed as the exclusive Gas Aggregator in Sarawak. As a result, PETROS has been mandated to develop more gas infrastructure and ensure sufficient allocation of gas to accelerate industrial development.

18. To achieve decarbonisation and net-zero ambition, Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is an enabler that serves as a powerful value driver for economic and industrial growth in Sarawak. PETROS as the Resource Manager for CCUS in Sarawak has signed a Storage Site Agreement with PETRONAS and Japanese Consortium for the M3 depleted field offshore Sarawak. Phase 1 of the M3 CCUS plan is to sequester 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 emission from Bintulu LNG plant to the M3 field, which will be commencing in 2028. This project will play an important role in decarbonising key industries, making Sarawak a more attractive investment destination. This collaboration is also a strategic move to unlock the potential of CCUS in Sarawak. Furthermore, low-carbon LNG from Sarawak would enhance the attractiveness across various consumer segments.

19. Investment in CCUS will support sustainable industrial growth and create new economic opportunities while addressing carbon emissions, including the oil and gas sector. In this regard, PETROS is collaborating with PETRONAS to convert the M1 depleted gas field into the first and biggest CCUS project in Malaysia for the development of Kasawari gas field. The first CO2 injection into M1 is targeted by the middle of 2026.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

20. In line with the PCDS 2030, Sarawak is moving towards a green and digital economy. This has attracted industries that are committed to achieve low carbon or net-zero footprint in their production or services. These new investment opportunities are in green energy from solar and biomass, and sustainable fuels from microalgae and green hydrogen.

21. Besides providing skilled and high paying job opportunities, these new investments can also create advanced value chains and support industries for the participation of our business community. These new sectors are expected to generate higher positive impacts. For instance, our existing dedicated industrial parks in Sama Jaya and Samalaju have attracted participation by both DDI and FDI, generating direct and indirect impacts such as:

(a) employment opportunities for more than 23,000 locals with annual wages of RM1.30 billion;

(b) local economy earning worth RM6.3 billion; and

(c) exported products worth more than RM24.3 billion.

Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

22. As we usher in the new economy, we acknowledge that the traditional industries in Sarawak remain an important contributor to economic development and job creation. These traditional industries are transitioning to more sustainable and green practices in tandem with the new economy. Shipbuilding in Sarawak is another strategic sector, which has grown due to our geographical landscape and oil and gas activities.

23. Historically, this sector played a crucial role in transporting timber products from upstream logging areas to downstream processing facilities and export markets. The industry has grown from constructing traditional simple boats to the sophisticated vessels that ply the domestic and international waters. I am happy to inform this august House that 68 out of 100 shipyards in Malaysia are in Sarawak, which makes Sarawak the heartland of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry in Malaysia.

24. In 2023, the shipbuilding and ship repair industry has contributed RM562 million to Sarawak’s external trade with vessels of international standards exported to global destinations such as Indonesia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Russia, China, Germany and Australia.

25. With the increasing demand for oil and gas, along with growing logistics, the maritime industry is expected to continue to remain strong, driving future growth and competitiveness. As such, the shipping industry in Sarawak will potentially be a catalyst for innovation and technological advancement in vessel design, automation and digitalisation to enhance efficiency, safety and security of the maritime operation. This includes investing in research and development, innovative solutions for greenhouse gases emissions reduction technology and promote sustainable materials, aligning with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.

26. My Ministry will further develop industrial parks, including park for shipbuilding and ship repair activities, upgrade the infrastructure and facilities as well as capability and capacity building of human capital.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

27. The World Economic Forum reported that 25 percent of drugs used in modern medicine are derived from rainforest plants. Global sales of pharmaceuticals are estimated at USD75 billion annually with a significant portion derived from rainforest plants. Recognising the economic prospects of exploring and commercialising Sarawak’s unique biodiversity, Sarawak Government is developing the Sarawak Bioindustrial Park as one of the catalytic projects under PCDS 2030.

28. This park will enhance the growth of biotechnology industries in Sarawak, particularly in healthcare within the region. This initiative aims to advance biodiversity research for commercial purposes, positioning itself as a prime investment destination and a vital high-tech hub for biotechnology enterprises.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

29. To position Sarawak as a preferred investment destination, InvestSarawak has commenced operation as a one-stop centre to act as intermediaries between investors and government agencies as well as facilitate investors by providing information, guidance, and advisory services.

30. In December 2023, InvestSarawak has signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Surbana Jurong Infrastructure Pte. Ltd. of Singapore to collaborate on the development and management of industrial parks in Sarawak. The partnership is currently exploring holistic industrial park management model which includes the opportunities in energy transition and industrial decarbonisation.

31. In February 2024, InvestSarawak has collaborated with EUROCHAM Malaysia to organise the EU Business Day 2024 with the theme “Sarawak in Focus”, attended by 500 companies from 17 EU member states. The programme has garnered interest among the EU member states to explore Sarawak as a potential investment destination in green energy and digital technology.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

32. Despite the challenging economic landscape, Sarawak continued to achieve trade surplus of RM67.7 billion in 2023. The total trade value was lower by 11.2 percent to RM193 billion due to slower global demand, lower commodities prices and geopolitical tension. Exports declined by 14.8 percent to RM130.4 billion, while imports contracted by 2.5 percent to RM62.6 billion compared with 2022.

33. Sarawak exports remain dominated by LNG, which accounted 42.0 percent of the share of total exports in 2023. The total export volume of LNG increased marginally at 0.7 percent to 24.8 million tonnes. However, the export value dropped by 11.6 percent to RM54.8 billion due to weak commodity price. The average price for LNG declined by 12.2 percent from RM2,520 per tonne to RM2,213 per tonne during the same period.

34. Exports of E&E products rose by 15.4 percent in 2023, supported by increased demand in semiconductor, solar and components for the electric vehicle batteries. The E&E sector is expected to grow at 5.0 percent in 2024, arising from the positive global demand for sustainable, greener and cleaner industries such as solar, electrical vehicles and medical technology devices.

35. Total imports in Sarawak dipped by 2.5 percent to RM62.6 billion in 2023 dragged down by major categories, namely intermediate and consumption goods. Imports of intermediate goods, which accounted for 52.4 percent of the total imports decreased as a result of slowdown in manufactured exports. While consumption goods with the share of 18.4 percent contracted by 3.2 percent.

36. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) projected 3.3 percent of growth in merchandise trade, which will be supported by stronger private and public spending, improved supply chain and increased labour force participation. Sarawak’s trade is expected to improve in 2024 in tandem with the recovery of global trade. As of first quarter of 2024, the total trade increased by 5.9 percent to RM52.2 billion from RM49.3 billion of the first quarter of 2023. Both exports and imports rebound by
5.8 percent and 6.3 percent respectively, supported by growth in the global and domestic demand.

37. My Ministry is leveraging on Sarawak Trade and Tourism Office in Singapore (STATOS) to further increase trade activities by encouraging local businesses to export their goods and services to international markets, especially Singapore. In 2023, STATOS has facilitated total exports of more than RM160 million, mainly on agricultural products such as bird nest, gula apong, highland rice, kek lapis and seafood. STATOS has also assisted 14 Sarawakian businesses through their Export Promotion Assistance Programme with total allocation of RM0.5 million in 2023, which has expanded the local products to Singapore amounted to RM23.34 million.

38. Last year, MINTRED Connects was introduced to facilitate more SMEs in targeted markets such as China and United Kingdom. The programme promotes export-oriented activities for SMEs to further expand their markets abroad. This programme has attracted potential collaboration to invest in agriculture, energy storage, education and health worth RM100 million. My Ministry will continue to facilitate more SMEs to explore trade and investment opportunity for export markets.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

39. Sarawak’s strategic location with proximity to Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, will position Sarawak as a gateway to Southeast Asia’s market. The development of new capital of Indonesia in Kalimantan would potentially benefit the regional economic development. The renewed Border Trade Agreement (BTA) between Malaysia and Indonesia in 2023 will further boost economic and trade activities between both countries.

40. In this regard, the government will pursue closer socio-economic cooperation with the Indonesia Government, especially Kalimantan in various sectors. Among the development to accelerate economic development including power, telecommunications, SMEs development and the Tebedu-Entikong cross-border zone.

41. In addition, the border towns at the Sarawak-West Kalimantan border are developed with necessary infrastructures to spur business activities and create jobs. Among the projects are construction of roads at Temporary Border Post Serikin and upgrading of facilities for Immigration, Customs, Quarantine and Security (ICQS) to facilitate movement of goods and people. Master Plans involving border towns such as Lubok Antu, Serian, Bau, Kapit, Belaga, Mulu, Bario and Ba’kelalan are being developed to identify catalyst projects for potential joint border development.

42. In 2023, a joint venture project on green energy was established between Sarawak and Kalimantan to develop Mentarang Induk Hydroelectric Plant in North Kalimantan. This collaboration underscores the proactive engagement of Sarawak with Kalimantan to share knowledge and expertise in renewable energy generation. At the same time, 10 Malaysian companies had submitted Letters of Intent to participate in the development of Nusantara.

43. The Sarawak Government will further explore opportunities and planned efforts to collaborate as well as enhance trade and economic cooperation with Indonesia in air and sea connectivity, medical, education and tourism. As such, the Sarawak Trade and Tourism Office in Kalimantan, Indonesia will be established to promote investment, trade and tourism between both regions.

44. The Sarawak Government has also established the Sarawak Trade and Tourism Office in Brunei (STATOB), which will be operating this year. STATOB will serve as a strategic platform for Sarawak to enhance and accelerate economic collaboration with Brunei Darussalam. This will facilitate business and investment while also showcasing Sarawak’s products and tourism attractions, both in Brunei and globally.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

45. Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) are the important engine for economic growth, innovation and employment. According to the OECD SME Outlook Report 2024, MSMEs represent more than 90 percent of businesses globally, with their contribution to GDP for most economies ranging from 40 to 60 percent. In addition, MSMEs employ roughly 70 percent of the workforce.

46. In Malaysia, MSMEs formed 97 percent of the total business establishments, employed more than 48 percent of the workforce and contributed 38.4 percent to national GDP in 2022. Whilst, in Sarawak, 93 percent of the business establishments were MSMEs. Majority were in services sector.

47. Despite the concerns of MSMEs on the rising cost of doing business due to global economy, slow recovery in China and geopolitical risks, MSMEs continue to remain resilient and adaptive to global business environment. As MSMEs navigate the complexities of the dynamic economic outlook, it is essential for MSMEs to champion new business models, leverage on emerging technologies and adopt sustainable growth strategies.

48. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the digital economy is estimated to contribute an average of 24.3 percent to the world economy in 2025 which is worth USD25 trillion. Investment in digital economy such as infrastructure, human capital, innovation and entrepreneurship will create transformative impacts on socio-economic growth. Imagine if MSMEs can take advantage of just 1 percent of this resource, it will contribute USD250 billion to the country’s GDP. This new economy presents opportunities for entrepreneurs by leveraging e-commerce platform to market and sell their products and services online globally.

49. Sarawak has developed Sarawak Digital Economy Blueprint 2030, which provides a strategic framework and roadmap to be a major powerhouse in the region. By 2030, digital economy is expected to contribute approximately 20 percent to Sarawak’s GDP, which 80 percent of MSMEs will adopt digitalisation. Adoption of technology by MSMEs will drive future innovation and improved access to the global economy. In this regard, I urge our MSMEs to take advantage of the opportunities arising from this new economy. My Ministry will continue to promote entrepreneurial culture among our communities, foster innovation to strengthen business competitiveness and to build MSMEs’ capabilities in digital and new economy.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

50. Capacity building will strengthen the capability and resilience of MSMEs to unlock their full potential and thrive in the competitive business environments. My Ministry will continue to provide training and skills programmes to enhance and improve their competencies in management, technology, marketing and finance.

51. I am delighted to inform this august House that my Ministry is the first government agency in Malaysia to undertake collaboration with TikTok Malaysia. In 2023, more than 100 Sarawakian sellers have participated in the TikTok Shop x MINTRED programme and recorded gross sales value worth more than RM1 million.

52. My Ministry is also implementing initiatives to provide capacity building in digital skills for MSMEs to navigate through the digital transformation journey. For the first quarter of 2024, more than 2,800 MSMEs were trained in basic, technical and digital entrepreneurship.

53. We will further strengthen the export capability of SMEs through participation in the national and international expos. In the first quarter of 2024, STATOS has assisted 53 SMEs to participate in two renowned international expos, namely Asia Pacific Maritime 2024 and FHA – Food and Beverage 2024, which were held in Singapore to promote and market their products and services. At the Asia Pacific Maritime 2024, the shipbuilding industry attracted potential sales of RM1 billion. While at FHA – Food and Beverage 2024, SMEs from Sarawak generated potential sales of RM12.6 million.

54. In addition, the Sarawak Government encourages investors to include local content in their investment projects by giving priority to capable and competent Sarawakian companies. Among the projects include mechanical works, module fabrication, piping system, construction, consultancy and offshore maintenance. Local content is one of the requirements to be eligible for tax incentives under the initiative by the Federal Government.

55. Initiatives to increase local participation in contract works were also taken by Sarawak Government, particularly in oil and gas and energy sectors. For oil and gas sector, at least 75 percent of locals will be participating in the contracts and services by 2030. In 2023, works and services in oil and gas sector in Sarawak worth RM5.7 billion or 41 percent out of total value of RM13.6 billion were awarded to Sarawakian companies. The contracts awarded to Sarawakian companies have increased by 48 percent in 2023.

56. While for energy sector, Sarawak Energy Berhad requires commitment from the foreign companies to provide local participation in the contract works. Since 2017, 35 percent of all capital works projects awarded to foreign companies have been undertaken by local Sarawakians.

57. To further enhance the competency and capability of SMEs, my Ministry is collaborating with the higher education and training institutes. This year, my Ministry together with the Ministry of Education, Innovation and Talent Development (MEITD) and Sarawak Skills is organising Industry Continuous Professional Development Programme in Lawas, Miri, Kuching, Kapit and Bintulu. This programme will train Sarawakians to meet the demand and requirement of investors in fields such as telecommunication, digital hardware, green mobility and storage as well as green hydrogen.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

58. Access to funding and capital is always the primary challenge faced by MSMEs. As such, my Ministry is offering various financial assistances such as Graduan Ke Arah Keusahawanan (GERAK), Usahawan Teknikal dan Vokasional (USTEV), Go Digital Programme, Sarawak Micro Credit Scheme (SKMS) and Skim Pinjaman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (SPIKS). As of first quarter of 2024, more than 5,300 MSMEs have benefited from these financial assistances with a total amount of RM118.09 million.

59. In addition, more than 110,000 MSMEs also have benefited from the various entrepreneurship programmes offered by other agencies such as Department of Agriculture Sarawak, Kraftangan Malaysia, LKIM, SME Corp, INSKEN and SKM.

60. In transitioning towards sustainable, green and circular economy, MSMEs face challenges to adopt ESG principles and tapping into sustainable financing facilities. Therefore, my Ministry through collaboration between InvestSarawak, the United Nations Global Compact Network for Malaysia & Brunei and Alliance Bank has provided RM1 billion green financing facility. To date, RM150 million has been disbursed to 172 SMEs. This financial facility provides preferential banking incentives to participating Sarawakian SMEs that demonstrate improvement in sustainable business practices. These incentives include access to transition financing and working capital at better rates and preferential deposit rates for business current account. As such, I would like to encourage more SMEs to utilise this financing facility in their ESG initiatives.

61. My Ministry will continue to enhance the resiliency and competitiveness of MSMEs toward a more sustainable and inclusive economy. Thus, we will improve the MSMEs’ access to green financing opportunities for lower borrowing costs and favourable terms.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

62. Industrial facilities and infrastructure are essential to facilitate and promote industrial growth in Sarawak. As such, my Ministry is developing the industrial parks and facilities to attract and to provide a conducive environment for industrial growth. In 2023, the construction of five industrial parks and one Anjung Usahawan were completed. This year, two industrial parks and five Anjung Usahawan are scheduled to be completed. To date, 31 projects are in various stages of implementation, involving site application, land acquisition, tendering or construction.

63. My Ministry will ensure these projects are ready and able to meet the needs of both foreign and domestic investors. The good infrastructure and utilities within the industrial parks and business premises will support the growth of industrial activities, drive industrialisation and socio-economic development. This will improve the competitiveness of businesses through access to shared amenities and support services. Indeed, these projects will create synergies, efficiencies and opportunities for businesses to thrive and innovate.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

64. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Padungan, Tebedu, Kabong, Batu Lintang, Jepak dan Tanjong Datu di atas cadangan-cadangan yang berkaitan di bawah bidang kuasa Kementerian ini. Kementerian saya akan mengkaji dan mempertimbangkan cadangan-cadangan dari Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat tersebut.

65. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kabong, tapak Anjung Usahawan Kabong telah ditukar kerana cadangan tapak asal tidak menepati keperluan projek. Cadangan tapak baharu masih dalam pertimbangan pihak berkuasa.

66. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Padungan, berdasarkan laporan MIDA pada Februari 2024, terdapat penurunan jumlah pelaburan asing di Sarawak pada 2023. Ini kerana laporan tersebut belum merangkumi beberapa projek pelaburan yang telah diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Perindustrian. Begitu juga dengan beberapa projek pelaburan semula (reinvestment) atau pengembangan (expansion) oleh pihak pelabur asing yang sedia ada dan menggunakan sumber kewangan tempatan telah disenaraikan sebagai pelaburan domestik.

67. Pada masa yang sama, beberapa cadangan pelaburan dalam bidang tenaga hijau dan pusat data turut diterima selain daripada projek pengilangan. Semalam, satu rombongan yang melibatkan 7 buah syarikat dari Amerika Syarikat telah berjumpa dengan YAB Premier dan saya untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai peluang pelaburan di Sarawak khususnya dalam bidang seperti renewable energy, F&B, e-commerce, aerospace and pharmaceutical.

68. We will continue to intensify our efforts to attract more quality investments. We will also enhance the investment policy for a more comprehensive investment promotion strategy to attract both domestic and foreign investments. Our clear policy direction is well recognised. This has been reflected through the invitations by European and East Asian countries to YAB Premier to share our initiatives abroad in transitioning Sarawak towards green and sustainable development. As a result, this has put Sarawak on the world map as a leading green economy.


Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

69. The application for land in industrial estates developed by my Ministry is subject to evaluation by Industrial Coordination Committee and approval by State Planning Authority. All applications must conform to the terms and conditions before they can be considered.

70. Under the current policy of Sarawak, the Government can re-enter the land if there is no development after three, five or seven years from the date of issuance of land title or registration of land lease depending on the scale of the development. However, Sarawak Government will issue the reminder notice to the lease holders before taking actions to re-enter the land.

71. I would like to thank Ahli Yang Berhormat for Batu Lintang for your suggestions on the importance of good governance for CCUS development in Sarawak. PETROS as the CCUS Resource Manager is implementing a comprehensive regulatory framework in accordance with international practices and standards. Each project will be evaluated through stringent project governance and technical assurance processes. These evaluation mechanisms will assess the readiness of the projects to advance to the next phase only after completing the necessary work activities.

72. The issue raised by Ahli Yang Berhormat for Padungan on DBazzar e-commerce platform and the suggestion on Jepak Premium Outlet by Ahli Yang Berhormat for Jepak were submitted as written questions. The written replies have been submitted to the office of the Speaker.



Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker,

73. Sebelum mengakhiri ucapan penggulungan ini, saya menyampaikan penghargaan kepada Tan Sri Datuk Amar Speaker kerana berjaya mengendalikan persidangan DUN dengan tegas dan baik. Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pegawai yang terlibat dalam menjayakan persidangan ini.

74. Akhir sekali, saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Wesak, Hari Gawai dan Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua Ahli Yang Berhormat dan seluruh rakyat Sarawak. Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua warga pendidik.


Asal benang dari kapas,

Benang ditenun menjadi baju,

Belon Sarawak sedia berlepas,

Terbang megah di langit biru.

Kalau tuan ke Samarahan,

Janganlah tuan terburu-buru,

Ekonomi baru menambah pendapatan,

Agar rakyat sejahtera dan maju.


75. Dengan itu, saya mengakhiri ucapan penggulungan bagi Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa, Industri dan Pelaburan.


Sekian, terima kasih.

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